HOME PAGE. Welcome to MobyNicks Please use the navigation on the left to help you find what you need, whether its information, trying to find out what product. Gta San Andreas Romania Download Torrent Tpb Pirate. Mobynicks. HOME PAGEWelcome to Moby. Nicks Please use the navigation on the left to help you find what you need, whether its information, trying to find out what product selection we have available, to locate one of our friendly convenient outlets or even if you wish to contact us directly. You will find a comprehensive listing of our product range. And for those without the time to browse you can download one of our lists giving you the chance to browse at your leisure. Its always nice to hear from customers so feel free to contact us about anything you find in these pages, we will be more than happy to hear from you and to make it simple we have included a brief contact form for you to get in touch, which you can find over on the Contacts tab. Bottarga is salted, cured fish roe, originating from Sardinia and Sicily, thats traditionally sliced, grated or sprinkled on seafood pasta dishes. Make. ABOUT PAGEMoby Nicks is an independent, family run business, which was established in 1. Nick and Beverley Henry with the sole mindset of delivering fresh, locally caught fish to a wide customer base. This ethos has continued to the present day where Moby Nicks supplies high quality retail and wholesale fish products from Devon through to South Wales and have built our good name on quality of product, attention to customers and attention to detail. The hub of the operation is situated on the Fish Quay in Plymouth where we are in the fantastic position not only to have the freshest fish delivered straight from the boats but enabling us to thoroughly prepare and process prior to delivering to the customer the finest quality freshest quality products. Moby Nicks has expanded from its wholesale beginnings in Plymouth by adding a retail outlet in Dartmouth The shop provides locally caught, sustainable fish to local Restaurants, Pubs and the general public. As a walk in customer, you are even able to peruse through cookbooks to give you ideas on how to make the most of your chosen products. Sustainability and locally produced products are important to us. This has allowed us to be awarded the. Seafish Industry Authoritys Processor and Wholesaler Quality Award. We are also part of the. Food and Drink Devon campaign to promote local produce to local customers. Cod Soft Cod Soft Roe In Sake' title='Cod Soft Cod Soft Roe In Sake' />We have a wonderful, hardworking and conscientious group of people that are ready to assist you with any questions or queries that you might have regarding any of our products. If fresh fish is not what you are looking for then we also stock a wide range of chilled and frozen products which should be to your liking. SHOP PAGE Our primary outlet shop, located in historic naval town of Dartmouth, is able to deal with both commercial orders and of course supplying locals and visitors with their everyday needs. At our Moby Nicks shop you will find friendly advice on what is likely to be be the best suited product for your needs from recipe information to advice on seasonal produce with additional and personal services available. So whether its dinner option for two or whether you have a large event coming up or even if you are looking to us as a potential new supplier for your own business, give us a call or drop in to our shop where you will get a warm welcome and great service that is sure to please. Additionally we also have our wholesale office at the historic Plymouth Fish Quay allowing us to utilize our position to gain only the best in fresh quality merchandise as well as quality frozen goods and larder produce. Below are details for directions to our shop, complete with contact information. Or better yet head on over to our contact page where you can enter a very short note to us and we will call you at your convenience. Dartmouth Shop. 24 Fairfax Place Dartmouth. Telephone 0. 18.
Open Tuesday to Saturday 8am 4pmp. Map to Dartmouth Shop. Plymouth Wholesale Office. Unit 1. 1 Fish Quay. Princes_Cod_Roe_100__22686_zoom_xnd6-47.jpg' alt='Cod Soft Cod Soft Roe' title='Cod Soft Cod Soft Roe' />Sutton Harbour. Plymouth. Telephone 0. Open Monday to Friday 7am 4pmp. Map to Plymouth Outlet. You can get hold of us anytime of the day or night on our 2. PRODUCTS PAGEHere you can see the latest product listing that we can supply you with on a pretty much continual basis. Of course there are occasions where particular seasonal products may have less availability in fresh format but that doesnt mean to say that its not available. We make great efforts in locating and sourcing only the best products, some fresh and frozen so chances are that we have just what you are after when you need it. If what you require isnt listed here then dont be disheartened, we have an extensive network of suppliers, so it is likely that we can still help you find that elusive item. We understand it is rather comprehensive. If you would prefer there are links over on the left to allow you to download a full copy which you can peruse at your leisure. And for convenience we have provided several formats so you can choose the version that is most relavent. Approx Piece Size. Total Weight. COOKED PRAWNSR. Greenland Peeled Prawn. R. Greenland Peeled Prawn. Icelandic Peeled Prawn. Icelandic Peeled Prawn. Icelandic Peeled Prawn. Peeled prawns in brine 9. Peeled tiger prawns in brine 9. Peeled cooking prawns. Crevettes. 102. 02kg box. Crevettes. 203. 02kg box. Crevettes. 304. 02kg box. Shell on prawn. 901. Cooked tail on tiger prawn. Approx Piece Size. Total Weight. Tiger prawn whole. Tiger prawn whole. Tiger prawn whole. Tiger prawn whole. Snmp To Modbus Converter Software : Programs, Utilities And Apps. Block Tiger shrimp. Peeled de veined king prawn. Peeled de veined king prawn. Peeled de veined king prawn. Peeled de veined king prawn. King prawn headless. King prawn headless. King prawn headless. King prawn headless. Total Weight. Brown shrimp cooked peeled 1kg bag. Brown shrimp cooked peeled 4. Torpedo prawns in filo pastry 5. Butterfly breaded king prawn s 5. Hot spicy breaded creel prawn 4. Tempura battered prawn 4. Total Weight. Fresh, frozen or pasteurised depending on the season. Deluxe handpicked white crab 4. Deluxe brown crab 4. Standard 5. 05. 0 crab 4. Standard brown crab 4. Standard white crab 4. Standard dressed crab 1. Deluxe dressed crab 1. Live or cooked Hen crabs per kg. Total Weight. Breaded. Crab cakes 2. 4 x 5. Mini spicy white crab cakes 4. Salmon dill 2. Hake ginger lime 2. Salmon prawn potato 2. Smoked haddock mozzarella spring. Sweet chilli salmon prawn 2. Tuna mozzarella 2. Total Weight. Unbreaded. Sea bass Cod lime ginger 2. Crayfish rocket 1. Smoked Haddock chive 1. Salmon dill 2. Thai spiced Tuna 2. Total Weight. Chilled products. Craytails in brine 9. Onuga. caviar 1. Keta. Banderillos 1kg tub. Anchovy fillets in oil 1kg tub. Anchovy fillets in garlic oil 1kg tub. Salted Anchovies 1kg tub. Sardine fillets in basil oil 1kg tub. Roll mops 2. 7kg tub. Baby Octopus in oil or vinegar 1kg tub. Deluxe seafood salad in oil 2kg tub. SEAFOOD SPECIALITIESApprox Piece Size. Total Weight. Frozen products. Seafood cocktail premium 5. Cooked Canadian Lobster lollipop 3. Whole Langoustine in shell1. Gourmet peeled Scampi 3. Moby premium whole tail Scampi 4. Whitebait blanch bait 4. Sardines 1kg bag. Battered Calamari rings 4. Baby Squid cleaned plus tentacles 1kg bag. Squid tubes 1kg bag. Half shell clams 1kg bag. Real Cockle meat 1kg bag. Cockle meat spitula clam meat 1kg bag. Mussel meat 4. 54gm bag. Whole shell Mussels Bantry Bay 5kg box. New Zealand Mussels in half shell 1kg box. Whelks 1kg bag. Pinks 4. Crab sticks flake 1kg box. Milts soft Herring roe 2. Plaice goujons 4. FROZEN SPECIALITY FISH STEAKS amp. Instpubs Sql'>Instpubs Sql. FILLETSApprox Piece Size.