Dsch3. 5SoftwareThe digital load cell converter module is designed for use with strain gauge sensors such as pressure transducers, load cells and torque sensors, the DSC offers high. Find material safety data sheets MSDS by manufacturer, part number and product description at HdSupplySolutions. A Alpha int. Buchstabieralphabet ICAOAlphabet A number Amber or Alpha gelbe Luftstrae Zahl bernsteinfarben A Attack Aircraft Angriffsflugzeug z. B. MICROWIND 3. 5 version released. DSCH A user friendly. MICROWIND is truly integrated EDA software encompassing. Know more about the MICROWIND design. Microwind 3. 5 Free Download suggestions. Circuit. Maker is the most powerful, easy to use schematic capture and simulation tool in its class. Digital Load Cell Converter DSCThe digital load cell converter module is designed for use with strain gauge sensors such as pressure transducers, load cells and torque sensors, the DSC offers high speed, high precision strain gauge signal conversion capabilities with linearization and temperature compensation of the sensor. The DSC, digital load cell converter output formats include RS2. RS4. 85, CAN, ASCII, Modbus, Mantra. CAN J1. 93. 9. For mounting internal to the sensor, the same electronics is also available in a compact miniature format see DCell. The digital load cell converter has the option of being housed in a convenient IP6. DSJ1 display junction box for a single digital load cell for 1 channel, and DSJ4 for 4 channel. Try our ready to go Evaluation Kit which includes one free DSC or DCell. First select the DSC you require and ask for the appropriate Evaluation Kit as an accessory item. Also see our Video section above on Getting Started with the Evaluation Kit. Product order options. Please read the following before selecting the options for this product The DSC Strain Gauge or Load Cell Digitiser Module is available in two main versions, differing only in performance and cost. These versions are the industrial stability suitable for most industrial measurements and the high stability for very high precision measurements. Either type is available with various communications options, selectable from the list below. The Evaluation Kit includes the DSC or DCell of your choice so it is necessary to first select the DSC then select the appropriate Eval Kit as an accessory item. High Stability. Code. RS2. 32 output, ASCII Protocol. DSCH2. ASCRS2. 32 output, MANTRABUS Protocol. DSCH2. MANRS2. 32 output, MODBUS Protocol. DSCH2. MODRS4. 85 output, ASCII Protocol. DSCH4. ASCRS4. 85 output, MANTRABUS Protocol. DSCH4. MANRS4. 85 output, MODBUS Protocol. DSCH4. MODMantra. CAN Protocol. DSCHMCANIndustrial Stability. Code. RS2. 32 output, ASCII Protocol. DSCS2. ASCRS2. 32 output, MANTRABUS Protocol. DSCS2. MANRS2. 32 output, MODBUS Protocol. DSCS2. MODRS4. 85 output, ASCII Protocol. DSCS4. ASCRS4. 85 output, MANTRABUS Protocol. DSCS4. MANRS4. 85 output, MODBUS Protocol. DSCS4. MODMantra. CAN Protocol. DSCSMCANOptions. Code. PCB Mount Board for a Single DSCDSJ1. PCB Mount Board for 4 DSCs. Arcsoft Scanner Software S. DSJ4. Accessories. Code. Digital temperature sensor module for wiring to DCellDSCDTEMPEvaluation Kit for RS2. Ex WorksEVAL KIT 2. Evaluation Kit for RS4. Ex WorksEVAL KIT 4. Evaluation Kit for CAN Ex WorksEVAL KIT CAN.